Thursday, February 23, 2012

A white smile is a bright smile
Foods that stain your teeth

A smile is worth a thousand words. A smile can leave a lasting impression. A smile goes a long way. Get the point yet? Smiling is a universal language and, luckily, it's one of the most simple things we can do all day. Unfortunately, though, there is a large quantity of people who are insecure with their smile/teeth due to the coloration.

Working in the dental field there is a list of commonly asked questions, but one in particular stands out: how can I whiten my teeth? The response is typically the same, bleach them. But did you know you can prevent discoloring your teeth before it gets to that point by simply being cautious of the foods and/or drinks consumed throughout the day?

The enamel of a tooth is porous, meaning it has pores, making teeth highly susceptible to stains. Essentially, colored foods and/or drinks are absorbed by your teeth and staining begins to take place. However, color is not the only thing to watch out for, the level of acidity can also play a role in the discoloration because acidic foods and drinks wear away at the enamel and temporarily soften the teeth.

So, what foods and drinks should be avoided when possible?

-Coffee (add milk/creamer to lighten the color for a less harsh staining effect)
-Tea (replace regular tea with green or herbal tea)
-Red wine (studies suggest minimal intakes of red wine have positive effects for over-all health, including gum disease, but it will stain your teeth--rinse your mouth after drinking)
-Colored soda (although the acidity is high, try a clear soda instead of dark)
-Fruit juices (try eating whole fruits or diluting the juice)
-Colored candy and popsicles (surgar-free gum with no artificial coloring is a safer choice)

If these can't be resisted (hey, sometimes coffee is a MUST in the morning), rinse with mouthwash or, even better, brush your teeth afterwards.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

National Children's Dental Health Month

National Children's Dental Health Month

The American Dental Association sponsors National Children's Dental Health Month every year in the month of February to raise awareness about the importance of oral health.

For a child, brushing and flossing their teeth doesn't usually rank high on the list of important, or cool, things to do; National Children's Dental Health Month is a good time to devote extra attention to helping your child improve, and learn about oral health. Developing good habits and educating why oral health is important at an early age can help increase the chances of a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums!

Stay tuned throughout the month for dental tips, helpful resources and fun activities! You can also find us on facebook at to stay informed!