Friday, August 27, 2010

Kids Just Love to Brush!

How about a treat today? Here's a little classic dental humor for you to enjoy, from the team at Grin Pediatric Dentistry. We loved it, and know you'll get a laugh as well. Enjoy "Sesame Street: Kids Just Love to Brush”!

If you have any other video suggestions you think we should share with other patients, please let us know!

Friday, August 20, 2010

10 Dos and Don’ts of Facebook for parents, from Grin Pediatric Dentistry

Many parents tend to sign up for Facebook accounts and ‘friend’ their kids, often as a way to keep an eye on their online activities. But then what? Many parents in this digital age are still lost when it comes to monitoring their kids online.

Last fall, parenting author Vicki Courtney wrote a helpful post on the things parents should and shouldn’t do while surfing through their kids’ Facebook profiles. Dr. Ryan and Dr. Keel and our team at Grin Pediatric Dentistry thought you might benefit from reading Vicki’s interesting piece.

Here are “Top Ten Facebook No-Nos for Parents,” designed specifically for those moms and dads who aren’t sure whether they’ve crossed the line in monitoring their kids’ presence online.

We hope you find this article informational. Please let us know what you think!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stargazing with Grin Pediatric Dentistry, outdoor learning for the whole family!

When was the last time that your family enjoyed the Plano, TX great outdoors? If you’ve been looking for a great educational activity for your preschooler or kindergartener, search no further! Drs. Patrick Ryan and Courtney Keel recently came across a great article in Nickelodeon Parents Connect, which we would like to share with you today. We know how important it is for your child to discover the magic of science for themselves. That’s why we invite you to let your imagination run wild and take your children on a summer stargazing expedition!

When planning your stargazing trip, whether it is in the backyard, at a local park, or while camping, be sure to choose a warm, clear night. A few constellations to look for: the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, North Star, and Cassiopeia. Don’t forget to pack a flashlight, snacks, water, sleeping bags, paper and crayons, and-of course-your star map!

Have fun & be safe!

-The team at Grin Pediatric Dentistry

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Grin Pediatric Dentistry's tips for eating healthy at the ballpark this summer

This summer, as you and the family head to out to the ball game—whether it’s at the Plano, Texas Dr Pepper Ballpark or the local tee ball game, it’s important to remember to make smart, healthy choices when it comes to snacks. Here are some tips you can use to avoid greasy, ballpark foods:

1. Eat before you go! You'll have more energy to focus on the game and you won't have to worry about long lines or spendy snack options.

2. What are you drinking? Water is always a cheap, refreshing option. Gatorade, Powerade and VitaminWater work as well, though keep in mind their sugar levels.

3. Bring your own snacks. Remember that these must be in unopened packages when you enter the gates.

4. Before the game, get some exercise. You’ll be sitting for two- to three hours at the game, so be sure to take a walk or a light run before you head out.

5. Calories, calories, calories. From hot dogs to fries to pizza, the ballpark stands typically sell high-caloric foods. But most venues will also offer healthier options, such as crab cakes, chicken sandwiches, turkey wraps or soups and salads.

Enjoy the game!

-Grin Pediatric Dentistry