Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day, from all of us at Grin!

Here at Grin, we strive to create a positive and rewarding dental experience for all of our patients. Dr. Courtney Keel, Dr. Patrick Ryan and our team enjoy providing exceptional pediatric dental care in a fun and friendly environment. This includes hosting Ice Cream Parties, recognizing each month's 100% brusher, and connecting with patients through exciting contests and games. Be sure to visit our Facebook page this week for all of the photos from our most recent Ice Cream Party.

While we're taking a little time to research and decide how to offer patients with the very best dental experience, we thought we'd ask you: How can we go the extra mile to make your child smile? Do you have any fun ideas for future events or contests? What would you like us to share on our social networks? Please send us your thoughts or give us a call!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

-Your friends at Grin

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