Friday, July 23, 2010

Grin Pediatric Dentistry, helping you stay cool this summer!

There's nothing like a hot summer day! Now that the heat wave is sweeping through Plano, TX, our team at Grin Pediatric Dentistry thought that we would share a few sun safety tips with you, courtesy of KidsHealth. Although vitamin D is essential for absorbing calcium, there can be serious health affects if you aren't prepared for the heat. That's why our doctors here at Grin Pediatric Dentistry want to help keep you informed about sun safety!

Sun Safety 101: What to know about UVA, VVB, and UVC rays

1. UVA rays- These rays make of the majority of sun exposure, and can contribute to skin cancer, skin aging, and wrinkling.

2. UVB rays- Known for causing sunburns, cataracts, and immune system damage, these powerful rays are linked with Melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer).

3. UVC rays- Lucky for you, these rays are shielded by the ozone layer and don't reach earth!

To protect yourself from these harmful rays, try to avoid the sun between 10am to 4pm, when it is the most prominent! If you do choose to spend time in the sun, remember to cover up, apply generous amounts of SPF 15 or higher sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours, stay hydrated, and use protective eye wear! Also, remember to check your child's medications for sun sensitivity.

Have a fun & safe weekend,

- Your friends at Grin Pediatric Dentistry

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