Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Helpful tips to ease your fear of visiting the Dentist

Do you find yourself feeling increasingly nervous the closer you get to your next Dental appointment? Grin Pediatric Dentistry understands that many people feel this way and we would like to provide some tips to help you feel more comfortable on your next visit.

Understand that you are not alone
There are many people out there that are afraid of visiting the dentist for various reasons.

Identify your fears
Sit down and write down everything that makes you nervous about going to the dentist. Once you have them written down, scan your list and think about some ways you might be able to overcome them.

Discuss your fears with your Doctor
After making a list, bring it in or simply remember what you wrote down and talk about them you’re your doctor. Grin Pediatric Dentistry takes these issues very seriously and by discussing any reservations or concerns with you, we can work toward providing a more comfortable dental experience.

Avoiding dental treatment will only increase your fears
By avoiding dental treatment you run the risk of requiring more serious dental treatment. By regularly visiting the dentist, you will rest easier knowing that you are keeping your teeth healthy.

Dr. Ryan and Dr. Keel hope that you find these tips useful. Feel free to call our office with and questions or concerns you might have.

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